Think Pair Share in MFL

This is a guest blog post written by Bryan Hackett

“Why do French nouns have genders, it is so confusing!!!” stated a student in my year 9 lesson the other day!  This was followed by “and why are there 4 words for ‘some’?”  I could answer the 2nd question quite easily, the reason being because the word ‘some’ in French uses the preposition ‘de’ which when combined with the definite article of the relevant food noun blah blah blah!  The 1st question is something, which most French teachers have heard many times and many have probably resorted to replying “because they do!”

I had already attended a session on questioning led by Jon whilst on the GOT programme and so I had already planned to use the Think, Pair, Share form of questioning in my lesson with year 9 that day.

Using a Powerpoint about sandwiches I asked students to THINK about the correct form of ‘some’ for each ingredient (based on the gender / quantity of the item), consult and PAIR with a partner and then SHARE their responses using mini whiteboards.  I then revealed the answers and students were able to compare their own answers and correct where necessary.

I found it to be very successful and students quickly grew in confidence and were stating that the answer must be this because the noun was masculine etc.  This was great to see and the atmosphere in the lesson was very positive!

Written by Bryan Hackettt

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